Sunday 18 February 2018

The Poacher

The poacher lived in a out of the way area, he had a logging business, and of course logging trucks, he employed people, he was well know in the area.
The moose population had exploded, he would need customers, he had the transportation, so it began.
The poacher a tough self made man operated with a certain amount of intimidation,many of the locals feared him, a large family was involved and everyone took advantage of the cheap meat.
The size of the operation grew, and there are eye witness accounts of  13 moose been taken off in one load.
The government in there wisdom hired wardens from the area, this was probably no help at all, and its best not to pursue this subject any further. In any case the operation went on for many years.
The demand for cheap meat grew and soon the off season killing began, by now it is safe to guess the  number of moose killed was in the hundreds, he was not operating alone.
The number of complaints grew the government reacted, the poachers reacted to the threat, decoy trucks, monitoring wardens were about, the word also pay offs.
There were storage areas involved, cabins,  unsuccessful hunters out on a weeks big drunk, could drop over pick up a moose put there tags on and head home.
Greed is a terrible thing, no such thing as giving up when you are ahead, The RCMP became involved, some of the henchmen were caught,the small fines paid.
The poacher maybe thinking himself invincible made his first mistake, shot a moose in country on skidoo for customers to pick up. He put the moose heart in a bag to take home and eat later, in the mean time he headed to the local bar to have drinks with the boys, parking the skidoo out side, the wardens showed up, for sure on a tip,when he came out they had him, after that things went down hill, he kept up the poaching, until he  was sentenced to a considerable time in prison.


  1. Neat story, is this hypothetical? Or just an observation of things that occur far more often than we care to admit?

  2. This was a real guy, my father knew him well.
